Sep 2Liked by kiana alejandra

Love love love this:) I know this post will reach the right people! Love you

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Sep 2Liked by kiana alejandra

God is in you always. We all get fear and doubts but coming back to ourselves is where we find peace. Thank you for sharing

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Sep 2Liked by kiana alejandra

I gave always admired your faith and belief. And again your honesty is so nice to hear. I feel the best writers are the most honest and open. Thank you for posting this one.

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Thank you Joel, for always lifting me up!

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Yes and AMEN! This spoke volumes to me!

"Loving God won’t guarantee answers or prevent difficult experiences. It’s about trusting Him despite them, believing that there is purpose for your pain. It’s finding solace in the fact that He loves you so much that He gives you the choice to love Him back." Thank you for sharing how raw it can be in those trying times, yet how we can all come through it; we are never alone and this too shall pass. 💜

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Thank you for reading! 🤍

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Sep 2Liked by kiana alejandra

❤️ 😍

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Thank you for reading Elizabeth, happy you enjoyed it <3

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